Vest Up

December 29, 2011
Vintage Donna Karan Vest, Helmut Lang Jeans, Old Navy Tee, Alexander Wang Bag, Ariel Gordon Love Knot Ring and Stacked Rings, Steve Madden Boots, Autumn Cashmere Scarf (similar one here), Raen Sunglasses
It’s inevitable that when I see my mom I end up begging her to let me borrow whatever it is she is wearing. There are the usual favorites, old finds or family heirlooms that I get to borrow while I’m in her sight, and new additions. She has everything from crazy cool vintage coats, southwestern style jewelry, bright colored pieces, vintage totes and more that I’m constantly influenced by and lusting after. Over the Holidays I got to wear this Donna Karan military style vest circa the ’90s—we call it the Dances with Wolves vest.

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