Travel Bug Tuesday: Mallorca

May 24, 2016

Mallorca StepsWhile cleaning out old files I found this article that I had ripped from a magazine ages ago. In the images were young kids running along cobble stone walkways in white dresses and straw hats, a beach nestled between rocky coastlines, a dreamy house with white linens flapping in the breeze and serene aqua blue waters. The destination? Mallorca, Spain. An island just off the coast of southern Spain. It’s been a sleeper on my list that seems to be revisiting me time after time reminding me of its dreamy setting. This particular article that I tucked away was all about bringing the kids, which I loved. Turns out there are loads of great homes to rent (I have my eye on this one) and the idea of jetting off to this sun drenched, slightly exotic destination for an extended period of time sounds like the most dream-worthy escape yet. mallorcaumbrellasPacking List:


Images sourced via Condé Nast Traveler‎.

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